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Positioning Yourself for Leadership Roles in the Tax Industry

Positioning Yourself for Leadership Roles in the Tax Industry

Positioning Yourself for Leadership Roles in the Tax Industry

Positioning yourself for leadership roles in the tax industry is essential for career success. Emphasizing your extensive knowledge, skills, and experience demonstrates your qualifications for higher-level roles. Showing the value you provide your employer enhances your reputation as a leader in the tax industry. Partnering with UNITY can connect you with top Texas employers who are looking for tax professionals to benefit their organizations.

Use Tax Strategy to Prioritize Shareholder Value Creation

Leverage your years of tax industry experience, thoughtful planning skills, and opportunity-seeking mindset to create meaningful shareholder value. These actions can uncover significant opportunities to support business growth.

For instance, you could discover M&A transactions where the right tax strategies support value creation. This capability supports a strong bond with the head of tax and the CFO and elevates your professional image.

Communication is Key for Tax Issues

Effective communication is crucial for tax leaders. Being able to explain and communicate tax matters clearly is essential, especially when addressing individuals who do not have a tax background. Strong communication skills allow you to translate complex tax issues into understandable terms, ensuring that senior leaders, including the CEO, board of directors, and investors, grasp the implications without becoming overwhelmed by technical jargon.

Ensure you can provide deeper information if the CEO, board of directors, or investors have tax-related questions. Your ability to explain complex tax matters concisely and clearly builds credibility and trust. These activities position you for leadership roles in the tax industry.

Use Language Your Audience Understands

Tax legislation is known for being complex and difficult to understand. Therefore, senior leaders often get frustrated when jargon and acronyms they do not understand are used in conversations. As a result, you must use clear, understandable language to simplify concepts and communicate ideas for desired business results.

Encourage Interdepartmental Information Sharing

Tax issues impact business operations outside of the finance department. Public affairs, human resources, operations, supply chain, corporate development, and other areas also are impacted. Therefore, you should work closely with the CEO, CFO, Controller, and business unit leaders to discuss tax-related issues.

Work with your points of contact to increase your leadership visibility and build a network of advocates within the organization. For instance, take on additional responsibilities that elevate your image and show your initiative. Examples include serving as a thought leader in external events, M&A activity, and debates on emerging tax legislation. Also, actively participate in finance-wide events and company-sponsored community service activities. These actions position you for leadership roles in the tax industry.

Looking for a New Role in the Tax Industry?

UNITY has a specialized tax recruiting team, the majority of whom worked in the tax industry prior to recruiting. Work with UNITY for guidance and support to help secure a tax industry leadership role in the Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, or Houston area. Visit our job board to get started today.